Thursday, January 14, 2010

Otter Boulder

Announcements are here.

New Cats!

"We have new cats today! First off with the youngest of all. Yellowkit,Frostkit,Goldenkit. They will be in the nursery with their mother, Shadowflower, the head warrior. But she will be in the nursery. And lastly Flowerpaw and Mistpool. Mistpool will be our deputy and I will mentor Flowerpaw." Flowerpaw's eyes gleamed in excitement.

Clan meeting dismissed!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Join Otterclan

*Slips out of the water and meows* Welcome, you must be coming to join this clan. Then yes, you may- but you must come on once or twice a week. Other then that, please fill out this form:

Position/Rank)(warriors,queens,elders,kits available)
Picture Link)(Tell me if you need me to find a picture)